Engineering Xperience
A number of hands on experiences where kids get to build their own creations in the many subjects below!

- Building homemade robots (vibrating and ambulatory), building and programming “intelligent” robots (using Lego Mindstorms), and learning to use various sensors to accomplish tasks. (proximity sensor and touch sensor for obstacle avoidance, color sensor for navigation and line following, gyroscopic sensor for balance).
- Kids learn about hydraulics through projects such as building a hydraulic robotic arm.

Simple Machines

- Building and working with levers, pulleys, springs, catapults, a working model elevator, and spring driven cars.
Bridges & Structures
- Understanding and building truss/arch/suspension bridges, as well as other structures.


- Understanding optics, diffraction, and magnification and building a homemade telescope.
Air Power/Propulsion
- Understanding propulsion and building air-powered cars, hovercrafts, and rockets.

Electricity and Magnitism

- Learning about magnets and electricity, measuring voltage, amperage, and resistance, and building homemade batteries, light bulbs, electromagnets, motors, homemade speakers and more!